An anagram is a phrase created by scrambling the letters of another phrase. For example, an anagram of information superhighway is “New utopia? Horrifying sham!”
You just type in a word — your name, for instance — and this program automatically spews out thousands of English phrases, or pseudo-phrases, composed of those rearranged letters. Anagrams (the program) offers several clever methods of weeding out the junky nonsense phrases, making it much easier for you to locate the meaningful ones.
What you need
System 6 or later.
Installation summary
Open the SOFTWARE SAMPLER folder on the CD-ROM. Open the Anagrams folder; if you like, drag the Anagrams folder to your hard drive.
The manual
Anagrams’s user guide is built into the program. Just choose About Anagrams from the Apple menu and then use the pop-up menu to select a topic.
Notes and credits
Authors: Andrew Trevorrow and Nick Spencer. There is a $15 shareware fee in Australian or US currency.
Andrew Trevorrow, 19 Abbott Lane, North Adelaide 5006, Australia.